Service charges
You may pay service charges which cover the cost of services we provide to help look after your home and surrounding area.
If you pay these charges this is in addition to your rent. Service charges can includes things like communal services and landlord management costs.
If you live in a block of flats or a sheltered scheme you will be responsible for the cost of maintaining shared services such as stairs and corridors, communal heating and shared gardens.
If you are a leaseholder or shared owner, the service charge will include the cost of building insurance.
You can see a full break down of your charges in Connect.
We have a legal obligation to provide some of these services. The amount you pay depends on the services you benefit from. Details of this will be set out in your tenancy agreement.
We’ll provide a summary of service charges in your rent and service charges estimate. This will be sent to you in February. In September, we’ll provide an update on the actual cost of your service changes for the previous financial year. Any over payments or under payments are accounted for in the next estimate.
The following sets out a summary of some of the service charges you might pay:
- Servicing (and depreciation) of intelligent electrics
- Servicing (and depreciation) of white goods
- Servicing (and depreciation) of alarm equipment
- Testing (and depreciation) of fire panels
- Maintenance (and depreciation) of digital TV systems
- Servicing and maintenance of lifts
- Legionella water testing
- Communal utility charges
- Garden maintenance
- Communal cleaning
- Window cleaning
- Open space maintenance
- Street lighting
- Rubbish and graffiti removal
- Community Wardens
- Property specific charges
- Administration charges
- Asset use passenger lifts
- Building management system service and maintenance
- Communal alarm
- Communal electricity
- Digital aerial broadband equipment
- Door entry and security systems
- Estate management
- Fire safety systems and suppressants
- Roof netting inspection and