At Alliance Homes we believe we should all have a feeling of pride in our surroundings. Areas that look untidy or are strewn with litter give a poor impression and create a negative image. It is everyone’s responsibility to help prevent this and our contribution is the Community Warden service.
We ask that you help with minor issues of litter, dog-fouling and overgrown paths and gardens, but Community Wardens are your point of contact for:
• Fly-tipping
• Obstructions in communal entrances and hallways
• Abandoned cars
• Graffiti
• Vandalism
• Nuisance dogs
• Health and safety concerns.
If you can report concerns relating to any of these items in Connect , or by going to our Contact us page.

Fly-tipping, rubbish and littering
Report fly tipping, rubbish and littering.
You can contact us by visiting our contact page.