Book repairs with Connect
Report a repair
We're committed to providing you with an excellent repairs service that is easy for you to access at a time that suits you.
Is there an immediate risk to your safety or health?
We prioritise emergency and urgent repairs to make sure we provide repairs first to those people who need our help most. We respond to emergency repairs within 24 hours and to urgent repairs as soon as possible. You can see which repairs are classified as emergency and urgent repairs here. All non-emergency and non-urgent repairs are classified as routine repairs.
Routine repairs and managing high demand
We’re going to be making improvements to how we handle repairs. To make these improvements, for the next six months we’re changing how we handle routine repairs. Emergency and urgent repairs will be prioritised, as will home safety checks like boiler servicing and inspecting damp and mould. Please continue to report routine repairs, however, they may take longer than usual.
When the improvements are complete, we’ll have additional resources in place and we’ll be ready to work through these repairs as quickly as possible
We’ll continue to review repairs requests and will update you when we can.
Before you raise a repair
You may wish to check whether the repair is something you can do. Our Useful information has lots of tip for what to do when something goes wrong. Additionally, you may want to take a look at what repairs are our customers’ responsibility on our Which repairs should I do? page.
Raising a repair
If you need to contact us for a repair, the quickest way is through our customer portal, Connect. Here you'll be able to book and manage your repair. Alternatively, you can get in touch through our contact us page contact us call us on 03000 120 120.
Any questions?
We appreciate that you might have some questions about our repairs service so we've pulled together the most common ones here, if you have other questions please chat to us online or call us, we'd be happy to help.
Yes, we offer AM and PM appointments, and also "school run" slots. We can even text you to let you know when your operative has your repair details and will shortly be on their way, if we have your mobile number.
You can call us or you can fill out the online form and we will call you back within 24 hours.
If no one is home, we will leave you a card letting you know we have called. Please contact us to rearrange the appointments within 5 days.
We prioritise those who are most in need. Emergency repairs are dealt with, within 24 hours and urgent repairs are completed in seven days. All other routine repairs can take up to 90 days.
We are responsible for maintaining the structure of your home; you are responsible for the decoration and the contents of your home. We recommend that you take out home contents insurance. For more information on repairs responsibilities, see our page on Which repairs should I do?
The National Housing Federation offers home contents insurance via a third party insurer. For more information, please contact them on 0345 450 7288 to speak to someone. Alternatively, most insurance brokers can offer this, you should shop around to get the best policy for you.
All Alliance Homes staff, and sub-contractors are required to show you proof of identity so always ask to see this before you let anyone into your home. In addition to this, if you have told us you have a password; please ask them to confirm your password before letting them in. If in doubt, please call us on 03000 120120.
We offer an emergency out of hour's service for repairs that cannot wait until the next working day. If you have an emergency that cannot wait, please call 03000 120 120 and an answerphone message will advise you of the number to call.
If you can safely do so, you should try to reset your trip switch and check recently used appliances. If you are unable to do this, call us on 03000 120 120 (option 1). You may be charged if the problem is found to be a faulty appliance.
We have no legal obligation to service or maintain tenant cookers, the servicing of these appliances are down to the owner of the appliance and we recommend you have a qualified engineer do this for you.
However, we do carry out visual checks and if we are concerned will look at the appliance. If we believe it to be unsafe it will be disconnected to ensure your safety. The replacement of the appliance or repair would be your responsibility.