Regulator of Social Housing confirms G1/V2 compliant ratings for Alliance Homes


The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) has today shared the outcome of our latest regulatory judgement, following annual stability checks.

The regulator has confirmed that we remain compliant with their standards, awarding us a G1 rating for governance and a V2 rating for viability.

  • G1 is the highest rating for governance, reflecting that we’re a well-run organisation with strong leadership and decision-making processes.
  • V2 is also a compliant rating, which reflects the level of investment we’re making in improving our existing customers’ homes and building much-needed new housing.

This is part of our commitment to balancing the needs of current and future residents.

The shift to a V2 rating reflects the reality of the economic pressures facing the entire housing sector. Many housing associations are receiving V2 ratings as they take on more responsibility for building new homes and meeting the regulator’s higher standards for existing homes.

We are committed to:

  • Making sure our homes are safe, warm, and modern for existing customers
  • Building new affordable homes to help tackle the housing crisis
  • Managing our finances carefully to ensure we remain a strong, sustainable organisation.

Earlier this year, our Moody’s credit rating was also reconfirmed as A2, demonstrating our continued financial strength.

We want to reassure our customers that these ratings reflect our proactive and strategic approach to investment while maintaining compliance with the regulator’s standards.