The following re our partners we work with to deliver our goals whether that’s building more new homes or delivering services within our communities.
Homes for South West
We are part of Homes for the South West which includes some of the largest housing associations in South West England. Working together, our aim is to identify and tackle the barriers to new housing in our region. Our collective voice is making the case for new housing at a local, regional and national level. We are ambitious about the role we can play together to invest in and build more homes in the South West.
- Abri
- Bromford
- Coastline Housing
- Curo
- Green Square Accord
- LiveWest
- Magna
- Plymouth Community Homes
- SNG - Formerly Sovereign
- Stonewater
- Westward
PlaceShapers is a national network of community-focused housing associations working on a range of issues, focusing to make the biggest impact possible to spotlight the place-based nature of our work through six key project areas.
- Cost of living crisis - Placeshapers are supporting campaigns that highlight the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on social housing residents and advocating for solutions that will help ease the pressure on residents.
- Levelling up - Supporting members to build and manage high quality, affordable homes to rent and to buy. Help them work with partners and communities to create jobs and provide community spaces and services and support local charities, community groups and local government.
- Decarbonisation - The views and experiences of residents are central to our work on energy efficiency and decarbonisation. Placeshapers are working in partnership with others, including TPAS and the Northern Housing Consortium, to support members in their engagement with residents.
North Somerset Council
We are working with North Somerset Council to accelerate the delivery of affordable housing in North Somerset. By working together our partnership agreement captures the joint commitments of both organisations to deliver the affordable housing needed in North Somerset and to achieve our wider ambitions around the development of sustainable communities, carbon neutrality by 2030 and ensuring homes are fit for purpose.
Centre for Sustainable Energy
We work with the the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) to help make our homes more energy efficient. They provide training and expert advice to our teams.