We exist to create great places to live that our customers are proud to call home. 

Map showing our office locations and where we own homesWe’re a social housing provider, based in Portishead and Weston-super-Mare. With a team of nearly 400 colleagues, we own and manage more than 7,000 homes in North Somerset, South Gloucestershire, Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol and into Somerset.

We provide a range of types of affordable homes from rented, to Shared Ownership and sheltered accommodation.

We also provide a range of support services to help people living in our communities get the best out of life.


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Our strategy - Plan A 2.0

We exist to create great places to live that our customers are proud to call home.

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Our values - AGAME

Our values are what makes us tick.

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Our leadership team

Details of our Strategic Leadership Team and Operational Leadership Team

The Board

Our Board & legal structure

The Board sets the strategy for the Group and oversees performance.

A child hugs their mother who sits at the kitchen table.

Equality & diversity

Our approach to promoting equality and diversity.

Istock 1972501160 Diverse Hands

Our partners

We work with a range of partners to achieve our strategic goals.


Alliance Homes at a glance



The number of homes Alliance owns and manages



The number of customers in our homes and who we provide support services to.

73 %

Rent value for money

The percentage of our customers who believe rent provides value for money.

20 %

Operating margin

The operating margin we work within to meet our financial obligations.